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Safety Newsletter – May 2023

Safety Newsletter – May 2023

5 Work Zones Safety Tips

Work zones present many challenges for trucks and other vehicles such as narrow lanes, sudden stops, traffic pattern shifts, and uneven road surfaces. This requires all drivers to stay alert. It is critical that all road users approach work zones with caution and do their part to keep the road safe for everyone.

 1. Research Your Route. Before setting out on the road, research your route. When possible, avoid work zones and use any detours that are available.

2. Pay Attention Remain Vigilant. Always keep your eyes on the road, but this is exceptionally important in work zones. Be aware of all signage throughout work zones that can indicate reduced speeds, lane changes and other important information. Avoid distractions such as your cellphone, eating, drinking, the radio, and GPS.

3. Slow Down. Lane closures, traffic pattern shifts, and reduced speeds are common in work zones. Make sure to slow down when entering a work zone and keep an eye out for road workers.

4. Move Into The Open Lane. When approaching lane closures, move into the open lane as soon as possible. Be sure to pay close attention to vehicles around you that could be in your blind spot.

5. Keep Your Distance. Rear-end crashes are extremely common in work zones. Always maintain extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you.

It is also very important to remain vigilant and to avoid becoming complacent. Complacency can affect anyone in any workplace. It creates a false sense of security which can allow you to let your guard down, lose focus and miss or even dismiss the potential hazards that place you and all your surroundings at risk.


Ergonomic Tips For Truckers

If you’ve been driving for any amount of time, you already know how hard it can be on your body. Here are 10 ergonomics tips that will lower your chances of injury while driving for long periods of time.

  • Change your position in the seat at least once or twice an hour. Even a small adjustment help.
  • Move your hand position frequently.
  • Don’t grip the steering wheel too hard for too long.
  • Adjust your seat so your feet can comfortably reach the gas pedal, brake, and clutch.
  • Adjust the backrest so your arms are at a slight angle while you’re holding the steering wheel.
  • Your entire back – from shoulders to bottom – should lean against the backrest.
  • Your thighs should be completely on the seat.
  • The back of your knee should be no more (or less) than an inch away from your seat cushion.
  • Make sure your bottom is at the very back of your seat and your torso is upright while you drive. Don’t slouch!
  • Check your seat suspension. You don’t want it to be too soft. Your spine could be damaged if the seat hits the floor when you’re on bad roads.

It is also important to take care of yourself outside of the truck, too. Stretch slowly and carefully after you get out of the cab. Watch your posture in and out of the truck. Do these things, and you’ll substantially decrease your chance of injury while on the job.

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