The 2024 Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance International Roadcheck Information
***CVSA International Roadcheck is scheduled for May 14-16, 2024***
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) holds an annual three-day international roadcheck event. During this roadcheck, CVSA-certified inspectors conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives targeted at various elements of motor carrier, vehicle and driver safety.
Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year’s International Roadcheck is May 14-16 2024 and inspectors will have two focus areas – tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. Over that 72-hour period, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in jurisdictions throughout North America will conduct inspections on commercial motor vehicles and drivers.
Since its inception in 1988, there have been more than 1.4 million roadside inspections conducted during the International Roadcheck event. International Roadcheck provides an opportunity to educate industry professionals and the general public about the importance of safe commercial vehicle operations and the roadside inspection program.
During the roadcheck, CVSA-certified inspectors will primarily conduct the North American Standard Level I Inspection, a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness. Drivers will be required to provide their driver’s license, Medical Examiner’s Certificate and Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate (if applicable), driver’s record of duty status and vehicle inspection report(s) (if applicable). Inspectors will also check drivers for seat belt usage, sickness, fatigue and apparent alcohol and/or drug impairment.
If no critical vehicle inspection item violations are found during a Level I or Level V Inspection, a CVSA decal will be applied to the vehicle.
If an inspector identifies critical vehicle inspection item violations, they may render the vehicle out of service if the condition meets the North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria. This means the vehicle cannot be operated until the vehicle violation(s) are resolved. A driver can also be placed out of service for driver credential-related issues or driver conditions, such as fatigue or impairment.
To learn more about the CVSA’s International Roadcheck, click here.