The Hub

December 2020 Newsletter

December 2020 Newsletter

CDC Recommendations for Truck Drivers

  • Limit close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet when possible.
    • Limit time spent outside of the truck cab during fueling, loading and unloading, and at rest and truck stops.
    • Pack food, water and supplies to limit the number of stops
    • Avoid shaking hands.
    • Keep your truck well-ventilated.
  •  Wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
  •  Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces on a routine basis such as:
    • In the truck cab (driver door handle, steering wheel, seat belt and buckle, arm and head rest, seat cover, turn signal, wiper controls, dashboard, air ducts, radio, and temperature controls).
    • For disinfection, use products that meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, diluted household bleach solutions, or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, and are appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s directions for use and clean hands afterwards; more detailed cleaning and disinfecting guidance is also available.
  • Practice proper hand hygiene. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
    • Avoid touching surfaces often touched by others when outside of the cab.
    • Key times to clean hands include:
      • Before entering and leaving the cab, including deliveries, loading and unloading of cargo, rest breaks, fueling, and other activities;
      • Before eating or preparing food;
      • After putting on, touching, or removing cloth face coverings;
      • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing;
      • After using the restroom.

Trucking the Covid-19 Vaccine

News regarding a potential COVID-19 vaccine in recent weeks has led to the questions, how will the doses be distributed? and how will it effect the trucking industry? Trucking will play no small role in deploying COVID-19 vaccines around the U.S. The hauls are likely to be trickier than most with time constraints and extreme temperature requirements. While the vaccine still awaits FDA approval, the preparation of a coordinated supply chain effort is underway so that carriers can be prepared to take on the challenge.

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