Fundamental Seminar: Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine & Inspection Trends and DOT Updates
On April 5, 2019, Dana Rhodes of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Kevin Stewart of the Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association spoke to guests about complying with the upcoming Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine and news regarding regulatory changes in transportation.
Do You Know About the Spotted Lanternfly?
- The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect, originally from Asia.
- It endangers Pennsylvania’s agriculture sector and parks, damaging plants in general. but especially fruit trees, grapevines, trees, and hops.
- Beginning May, 26, 2018, a quarantine was put in place to stop the movement of SLFs to new areas within or out of the current quarantine zone (Southeastern PA) and to slow its spread within the quarantine.
Starting May 1, 2019, a Spotted Lanternfly Permit is required for those located or working within the quarantine zone, who move vehicles, products or other conveyances within or out of the quarantine.
More information on the quarantine and training
Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Presentation by Dana Rhodes
Linked above is Kevin Stewart’s presentation on “Inspection Trends & DOT Updates.”
You will be able to learn more about the most common violations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and in the country, ELD Roadside Inspections, and updates on personal conveyance and the new diabetes ruling.
Stewart’s presentation also has more information on the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse that has a compliance date of January 6, 2020.
Linked above, you will find Dana Rhode’s presentation on the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine.
Fundamental created a driver training module that all the drivers who work for us will complete this month. This training includes basic information that drivers should know if they will be working in the quarantine zone at any point.
Note that at least one person from your company, a manager or supervisor, has to be certified in order to obtain permits. However, it’s also important for your drivers to understand the quarantine and how to comply.
Contact us if you are interested in obtaining a copy of our driver training materials.
Inspection Trends & DOT Updates Presentation by Kevin Stewart
Linked above is Kevin Stewart’s presentation on “Inspection Trends & DOT Updates.”
You will be able to learn more about the most common violations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and in the country, ELD Roadside Inspections, and updates on personal conveyance and the new diabetes ruling.
Stewart’s presentation also has more information on the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse that has a compliance date of January 6, 2020.