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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Compliance Training
Driver Resources March 19, 2019

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Compliance Training

DOT Enforcement Started May 1, 2019

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect, originally from Asia. It first appeared in Berks County, PA in 2014. It endangers Pennsylvania’s agriculture sector and parks. It damages plants in general, but especially fruit trees, grapevines, trees, and hops, which are some of Pennsylvania’s biggest exports.

What is at Stake?

Pennsylvania is the #1 exporter of hardwoods ($19 billion annually), the 3rd largest producer of juice grapes and 5th largest producer for wine grapes, 4th largest producer of apples, 5th largest producer of peaches, and 3rd largest state park system. Other states, or countries, will not purchase goods from PA and other states if lanternflies are present. They could be a potential threat to all of the US if spread.

What is Being Done About the Spotted Lanternfly?

The PA Department of Agriculture (PDA) has been monitoring the lanternfly since its first appearance in 2014. PDA has set up a plan to contain and destroy them using a quarantine zone. The goal is to prevent spreading and to protect Pennsylvania’s $100 million crop yield and $19 billion hardwood industry.

As the spotted lanternfly spreads each state’s Department of Agriculture will be in charge of monitoring the lanternfly in their state.

In addition, police and DOT will issue citations to non-compliant drivers, and there could be a potential for criminal and larger civil penalties or fines.

Individuals and businesses must complete training and obtain permits if they:

  • Operate within the quarantine zone
  • Transport goods out of the quarantine zone
  • Deliver goods into the quarantine zone

Enforcement began May 1, 2019.

What is the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine?

The Order of Quarantine and Treatment was published on May 26, 2018. This quarantine is in place to stop the movement of Spotted Lanternfly to new areas outside of the current quarantine zone and to slow its spread within the quarantine. In order to remain in compliance with the quarantine, a Spotted Lanternfly Permit is required for those falling within the scope of the quarantine”.

What are the Counties in the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone?

The current quarantine zone is shown in blue below.

Quarantined Counties in PA include (list current as of 6/22/2020):

  • Allegheny
  • Beaver
  • Berks
  • Blair
  • Bucks
  • Carbon
  • Chester
  • Columbia
  • Cumberland
  • Dauphin
  • Delaware
  • Huntingdon
  • Juniata
  • Lancaster
  • Lebanon
  • Lehigh
  • Luzerne
  • Mifflin
  • Monroe
  • Montgomery
  • Northampton
  • Northumberland
  • Perry
  • Philadelphia
  • Schuylkill
  • York

If the spotted lanternflies spread, the zone will grow. To keep up with these changes, you can find an up-to-date list on the USDA’s website.

Why Comply with the Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine?

As of May, 1, 2019, police and DOT will issue citations to non-compliant drivers, and there could be a potential for criminal and larger civil penalties or fines. Police, DOT Officers, and State Troopers may ask you questions about lanternflies if you are coming from or heading into the quarantine zone. And lastly, it’s the right thing to do!

What do Truck Drivers Need to do About the Spotted Lanternfly?

  • Inspect – A quality lanternfly inspection can be completed during your pre-trip inspection of the tractor and any trailers you may have.
  • Identify – If you are in Southeastern PA, you’re in the quarantine zone. Know what Spotted Lanternflies look like based on the time of year.
  • Destroy –  Destroy Spotted Lanternfly eggs and insects.
  • Document –  Note the lanternfly inspection on your Bill of Lading.

At least one employee in each affected organization must complete the official permit training course. That employee then has a duty to train the other employees of the organization and manage the distribution of vehicle permits provided by the PDA. Permitted vehicles indicate compliance with PDA Quarantine guidelines and requires documentation when there is Spotted Lanternfly activity.

What is the Spotted Lanternfly Lifecycle?

The Spotted Lanternfly sees one generation per year. Depending on the time of the year, the Spotted Lanternfly will appear differently.

Knowing what to look for and how to identify the Spotted Lanternfly is the first step in helping control this invasive species.

What Can Truck Drivers do to Prevent Spotted Lanternflies?

  • Do not park under tress or tree lines when making deliveries or pick ups.
  • Do not leave vehicles open when not occupied.
  • In heavily infested areas, tuck pant legs into socks.
  • Make sure none are resting on your person.
  • Inspect vehicle
    • During your Pre-Trip
    • Each time you enter or exit the quarantine zone
    • During your Post-Trip

Inspection Tips:

  • Egg masses can be found on any fairly smooth surface.
  • Egg masses and adults are most likely to spread by cargo or tractor shipment.
  • Be sure to inspect the undersides of vehicles.
  • Rust covered metal attracts egg laying lanternflies.
  • Egg masses may blend in with the surroundings.

How to Destroy Spotted Lanternflies?

Killing young or adult lanternflies is simple. Either swat or smash them. If the fly is crushed, it will die. Egg masses must be scraped off wherever they were laid using something with a solid plastic or metal edge. There are also companies that perform spotted lanternfly treatment.

When scraping off egg masses, be sure to:

  • Scrape the eggs into a plastic bag
  • Add some rubbing alcohol if you have it (helps destroy the eggs)
  • Seal the plastic bag, air tight, and throw in the garbage

How to Document and Report Spotted Lanternflies?

You must report sightings of Spotted Lanterflies at any stage of its lifecycle on your Bills of Lading.

  • If no lanternfly activity is found, notate “SLF-NONE.”
  • If lanternfly activity is found, notate “SLF-[type of activity]”

You can also report a sighting of egg masses, nymphs, or adult SLFs to the state’s agricultural office:

Fill out the form OR you can call the Automated Invasive Species Report Line at 1-888-4BAD-FLY and leave a message detailing your sighting and contact information.

DE Department of Agriculture
Report Sightings: or 302-698-4632

MD Plant Protection and Weed Management Program
Report Sightings: or 410-841-5920

New Jersey: 
NJ Department of Agriculture
Report Sightings: or 833-223-2840

New York: 
NY Department of Agriculture & Markets
Report Sightings:

VA Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Report Sightings: or 804-786-3515

REMEMBER: You are on the front lines of the fight against lanternflies. Following the quarantine protocols helps defend PA and protects our economy and jobs. Remember to smash the flies whenever you find them. Scrape the eggs off of cargo or vehicles. People are the lanternfly’s only natural predator in this part of the world!

Spotted Lanternfly News & Updates:

The New York Times: ‘Squash It’ Smash It!’: Pennsylvania Residents to Kill an Invasive Bug on Sight

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