The Hub

March 2020 Newsletter
Driver Newsletter March 1, 2020

March 2020 Newsletter

FMCSA Advances Final Rule on HOS to the White House

After the initial proposed rule was released in August 2019, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) received the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) final rule on March 2.

If passed, this final rule would provide CDL drivers more flexibility with their 30-minute break and division of time in the sleeper birth. It would also extend the maximum on-duty period to 14 hours from 12 hours, and also increase the air mileage distance limit to 150 miles from 100 miles.

The exact contents of the final rule will not be made public until the FMCSA publishes it in the near future.

Roadcheck Inspection Blitz 2020: May 5-7

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) scheduled its three-day inspection blitz for the first week of May instead of the usual first week in June.

During these inspections, the CVSA will be examining basic driver requirements such as up-to-date medical cards, seat belt usage, ELD compliance, and valid CDLs.

Last year’s top out-of-service violations involved hours of service, wrong license class, and incorrect logs.

CVSA’s International Roadcheck is the largest commercial motor vehicle targeted program in the world. Each minute, 17 trucks and buses will be inspected throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S..

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